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Our Curriculum

Our well-organised curriculum is structured to stimulate creative thinking and dialogue between the pupils, staff and parents. 

We encourage pupils to explore the world around them through practical exploration and discovery. Pupils are given the opportunity to learn through cooking, become fit and healthy through PE lessons and after-school clubs and we are beginning a programme of forest school learning. At the core of our curriculum is the belief that all pupils must become avid and expert readers. We are very effective at teaching pupils this skill and have high expectations of pupils reading for pleasure at home daily.

BV The Cayley Primary Curriculum (CPC) is all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experiences of all our children at Cayley Primary School. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, so that they achieve their true potential.

What is the INTENT of the Cayley Primary Curriculum

  • Encourage empowering partnerships (staff, pupils, parents and the wider community) so that all our pupils achieve high academic standards with strong progress and attainment
  • Provide equal opportunities for all the pupils in our school to succeed and so they leave as well-rounded and prepared for the next stage of their education, employment and beyond
  • Develop a range of learning strategies through the way pupils uncover and discover the curriculum content to help them grow as confident problem solvers, critical thinkers and readers to meet their needs and to reach the highest aspirations
  • Facilitate pupils’ acquisition of ideas, knowledge, skills, and qualities of character, so they are morally and spiritually aware and understand the impact they can have on the world around them and as well as their family and local community in London
  • Nurture a sense of responsibility to themselves, their environment and economy, leading a caring and healthy lifestyle centred on wellbeing so our pupils can understand themselves and make positive choices in life
  • Ensure our pupils are equipped with life skills and social responsibility to the global community

IMPLEMENTATION of the Cayley Primary Curriculum

The curriculum is organised into topics for each half term in the form of questions. The questions will be reviewed annually and selected to meet the needs of the pupils at the time. The learning across the topic will ensure depth and strong links as well as quality time to embed learning and skills. The implementation of the curriculum is through knowledge, skills and understanding developed in the learning ladders and the development of cross-curricular skills. This will enable pupils to use their learning in a meaningful and purposeful way.

This will also include national events and days of celebration as well as new discoveries and political and social issues where appropriate.

Performances and end of term celebrations are closely linked to thematic learning to better involve parents and celebrate learning. Each term a year group will celebrate and show case children’s achievements in a whole phase event as well as year group events. Educational visits are integral to the curriculum to provide our children with opportunities and experiences, which we know many of them do not have outside of school.

Common aspirational themes across the school are the focus of curriculum planning and experiences for children and are underpinned by British Values. Connections are made with world issues and current events of which children need to be aware with creativity at the core of our curriculum.

Pupils leave Cayley Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and globally aware; how to make positive contributions to the local area and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to leave Cayley respectful, skilful and ambitious, with the motivation and passion to continue to learn and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer. There are many ways we ensure our curriculum is having the desired impact:

Pupil Progress Meeting (PPM) is a professional conversation between a class teacher and a leader to analyse the progress of our learners, celebrate success and implement support for children that need it. This is done termly using a PPM sheets and reviews. Handover notes also provide snapshot for new teachers to support learning further.

Pupil Voice: listening to children and gathering their feedback is crucial in any type of assessment of the implementation of our curriculum. We encouraged pupils to assess their own work and feedback on the way they are learning. The School Councillors and class councillors meet regularly to discuss education and a pupil voice survey is completed by all children to help provide further insight on the quality of education delivered across classes and year groups.

Surveys – Book surveys, planning looks offer a snap-shot of the implementation and impact of the curriculum across the school.

Parents and Staff Surveys: this is completed by all staff and parents to help provide further insight on the quality of education delivered across classes and year groups.

SEND reviews: Teachers and specialists meet to set and review individual targets for children with additional needs. As part of this process, teaching staff adapt and personalise the curriculum to meet the additional needs of these children.

Ongoing Assessments: Staff assess pupils’ learning continuously and keep their own records. Cayley Progression Ladders (CPL) for each subjects are used to assessment to implement and assess impact of the knowledge and understanding gained over time. These are reflected in termly trackers using emerging, developing, expected and greater depth

Annual assessments and data:  Outcomes from the Phonics screening in Year 1, KS1 SATs and KS2 SATs are rigorously monitored by the school. Summative assessment data is also monitored closely to help measure the impact of the curriculum.

Moderations: this is a chance to review the impact of the teaching, learning and delivery of the curriculum across the school. All teachers are involved in the process which allows them to evaluate the quality of teaching and learning and use the insights to improve the outcomes for children they teach.

Link Governor meetings & visits: meeting regularly with the curriculum or subject leaders responsible in order to become informed about current policies and practices in the school and know how the teaching is impacting on pupils.

Re-cap & Learning Check: Re-cap in every lesson provides opportunity to retain and show understanding over time. Learning Check, both as whole class and independently, pupils demonstrate what they have learned by being inspired by the curriculum.

Family Homework: termly family homeworkreading and writing for pleasure are very important tools for both parents and teachers to monitor that the children are using and applying skills independently

Vision and Enquiry


Curriculum Overview

Curriculum overveiw map 21.2.21

Sequence of Learning

Curriculum Links

More Information About Our Curriculum

If you are interested in finding out more about our curriculum, please see your child's teacher or contact the office to make an appointment with Hussain Shefaar (Assistant Head).

Email: admin@cayley.towerhamlets.sch.uk

Phone: 020 7790 1490


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