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25th March 2021

Dear Cayley Families,

Well, we have all made it to the end of term and what a term it has been! It has been lovely to see the joyous moments this week as we have celebrated the Easter season in our bubbles with our 'Hats from around the World'. It has been a fantastic term despite lockdown, when we had all of our brilliant remote learning - thank you for all of the fpositive feedback that we have received and for all of the support you have given and are continuing to give.

We are looking forward to the summer term starting on Monday 12th April 2021, with restrictions gradually lifting and being able to return to  a more 'normal' way of doing things.

After the holiday we will be starting swimming lessons for years 4, 5 and 6. The intensive course will  run for one hour everyday over a two week period.

All covid measures have been put in place for you swimming lessons. Our classes will be the only children swimming in the pool hall and also the changing rooms will be for our classes only. No adults will be in the pool or changing area and changing rooms will be cleaned after every session .We are really excited about this opportunity and you will receive information about when it will be your child's turn.

Have a safe and happy Easter holiday and I Iook forward to seeing your 'Spring' Family Homework which is under the Home Learning tab - Family Homework https://www.cayley.towerhamlets.sch.uk/thamlets/primary/cayley/site/pages/homelearning/homelearning/familyhomework

Stay Safe


Tower Hamlets Recycle

Th recycle

Give and get stuff free with Tower Hamlets Recycle. Offer things you don't need, and ask for things you'd like. Don't  just recycle - reuse with Freegle!

Community film for 1st ann

Get a Covid-19 test in Tower Hamlets

Despite the vaccine programme rolling out, getting tested continues to be vitally important. There are two testing options available to residents.

Symptomatic testing

Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 should get a test, whether vaccinated or not. Remember, symptoms include a high temperature, a new or continuous cough or a change or loss in normal sense of smell or taste.

There are three symptomatic testing sites in Tower Hamlets and all appointments can be booked by calling 119 or online.

  • Ecology Pavilion, Mile End Park, E3 5TW
  • Watney Market, Idea Store, Shadwell, E1 2FB
  • Jack Dash House, 2 Lawn House Close, Isle of Dogs, E14 9YQ

Asymptomatic testing

One in three people who test positive for Covid-19 show no symptoms at all. Rapid asymptomatic tests are available for anyone without symptoms. They are particularly important for key workers, anyone who cannot work from home, is attending education settings, or live with people in these groups. There are four asymptomatic testing sites in Tower Hamlets:

  • 56 Burcham Street, Poplar, E14 0SH (open 10am to 7pm)
  • Tramshed Community Centre, Digby Street, Bethnal Green, E2 0LP (open 10am to 7pm)
  • Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LS (open 11am to 8pm)
  • Canary Wharf, Level 2 Jubilee Place, Canary Wharf, E14 5NY (open 7.30am to 4.30pm)

All sites are walk-in and appointments can also be booked online.

It is recommended people take free and regular rapid testing twice a week, with a minimum of three days between each rapid test.

Levels of infection are going down and the programmes for COVID-19 testing and vaccinations are in place; but COVID-19 continues to be a risk, we must continue to take great care to reduce the risk in our school community. We’ve conducted a detailed review of our risk assessment documentation and the arrangements in place to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19, for our return to school on Monday

As always, if you or your children are experiencing even mild symptoms of COVID-19, you must all follow guidance, and stay at home

  • Let school know about your child’s absence by phone 0207 790 1490
  • Let us know if anyone in your household tests positive for COVID-19, so that we can take essential next steps at school
  • If your child is unwell in any other way, it is best they remain at home until feeling better
  • We must make every effort to avoid contact and mixing between people from different households
    • E.g. in school, ‘bubbles’ of children and staff must not mix
  • When coming to school to drop off or collect your children, you could be coming into contact with people from outside your household.
    So to help us to protect one another, please:
    • observe safe distancing when you come to school to drop off and to collect your children
    • stand back until the gates are fully opened and you are called forwards
    • wear a face covering when you come on to school premises
  • Confirmation of drop-off arrangements:
    • Gates – Nursery and Reception – Green gate, main playground (in), Yellow gate, Aston Street (out)

               Year 1 and 2 – Red gate, Aston Street

               Year 3 and 4 – Blue gate, Aston Street

               Year 5 and 6 – Green gate, Repton Street

  • parents and carers of children in Y1-Y6 should say goodbye at the gate and should not come onto site
  • one parent/carer of FS children may bring their child/ren to the classroom
  • oldest children should be dropped off first
  • Update about home time arrangements:
    • Gates - Nursery and Reception – Yellow gate, Aston Street (in), Green gate to main playground out.

Years 1 to 6 to use the Red gate, Aston Street and Green gate, Repton Street to enter and exit. There will be in/out lanes demarcated by cones (and tape). Please keep to the left to reduce contact.

  • One parent/carer only
  • Youngest children should be collected first
  • Collect children as quickly as possible once you arrive  
  • Unfortunately staff will not be able to talk with you at home time, so please contact the office by phone or email if you have anything you wish to discuss
  • Please avoid gathering to talk with other families on site

Adults in the households of primary school children will be able to participate in the new ‘rapid testing’ programme

Stay Safe



From 8 March, school attendance will be mandatory and our usual rules on attendance will apply.

As a reminder, your child should self-isolate and not come to school if they:

  • Have coronavirus symptoms or have tested positive
  • Live with someone who has symptoms or have tested positive
  • Are a close contact of someone who has tested positive
  • If your child is shielding, please contact the school

Our safety measures

Rest assured that we’re doing everything we can to make sure our pupils can return to school safely. We’ll be taking the following protective measures to keep everyone safe:

Our school Risk Assessment documentation which is on the ‘Returning to School’ page of the website has been updated based on current guidance.

We will continue with our ‘soft’ start where you drop off your children in years 1 – 6 at the school gate (nearest to their entrance), between 8.45 and 9.00 am. This is to ensure that we do not have families with children in more than one year group needing to wait for the later start time of another child causing congestion and crowding. One adult may take their EYFS children to the classroom.

Allocated entrances for year groups are to reduce the number of children using each entrance and we request that you drop off your children at the nearest gate where possible.


We are continuing to review collection of children at home time so that we reduce the number of adults coming in and out of the gates at the same time as well as the number of adults in the playground at the same time. We are aware that if times for collection are staggered that we may actually increase the number of adults on site at any one time while you are waiting for your other children.

A reminder that gathering at the school gate and otherwise coming onto the site without an appointment is not allowed.

Please limit the equipment children bring to school to essentials like lunch boxes, bags and books and avoid unnecessary sharing of items.

We’ll continue with the timetable changes we made in September, such as changes to playtimes and lunchtimes to reduce the number of children being in any area at the same time.  Phases are allocated separate staircases and staff organise timings to use these within their teams. We have stringent hygiene measures in place such as hand-washing and enhanced cleaning protocols.

Staff are also offered regular Covid-19 tests each week.

All adults are expected to wear a face covering where they cannot remain at more than a 2-meter distance and we are requesting that all adults visiting the premises wear a face covering whilst on site.

Information about uniform and school meals

Children are expected to wear regularly laundered uniform.

School lunches will be provided as usual and school meal vouchers will no longer be provided.

Contacting the school

The school office will be open but parents/careers will not be allowed to visit on site. If you would like to speak the school office, please call or email the school office.

If you would like to book an appointment to meet with your child’s class teacher, please email the school office with the following; Child’s name, class and reason for your meeting.

Telephone number: 0207 790 1490

Email address: office@cayley.towerhamlets.sch.uk

Please do make sure that you have a look at our school risk assessment (on the 'Returning to School' page) and that you are continuing to follow the school's requirements to do everything you can you protect yourselves and others.

It is still crucial that we continue to play our part in stopping the spread of Covid-19 and to remain cautious so that we do everything we can to prevent infection rates going back up.

Lockdown has been a challenging period for all of us, and we’d like to thank you for your continuing support during this difficult and uncertain time. We’d also like to thank you for all your support in helping your child learn from home. We’ll continue to keep in touch if we update our plans or if we need to make changes due to new government guidance.

Stay Safe



Click on the picture above to visit the Tower Hamlets 'Back to School' pages.

We are really pleased to welcome Graham as Cayley's new headteacher from September 2021.

Dear Cayley Primary School families,

I am overjoyed to be introducing myself as your next Head Teacher, and it has been a pleasure to meet some of you already.

This last year has been difficult for all of us, but as we begin to unlock and safely return to school, I am confident that life will return to normal and we will all be able to flourish.

During my eighteen years as a teacher, I have taught from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 5, led a Primary School to Outstanding, championed the arts and high achievement at all times and am looking forward to joining the Cayley family.

As well as being a Head, I am a poet and trained as an artist. I live in Waltham Forest with my two daughters and a rescue dog called Pippy.

I do hope you are able to celebrate Mrs Samuel’s tremendous achievements at Cayley Primary.

Please stay safe and I will see you soon.

Yours truly,

Mr Clifford


Roadmap out of Lockdown


Step-by-step lifting of restrictions: key dates

Step 1

8 March

  • All schools and colleges will open, with outdoor after-school sports and activities allowed to take place. Childcare will resume.
  • Recreation or exercise outdoors will be allowed between two people.
  • Care home residents will be allowed one regular visitor.
  • During this time, we must continue to stay at home and no household mixing is permitted. 

29 March

  • Outdoor gatherings of either six people or two households will be allowed, including in private gardens. 
  • Outdoor sport and leisure facilities such as tennis courts will reopen, and organised outdoor sport will return for both adults and children.

Step 2

12 April

  • Non-essential retail will reopen, along with hairdressers, community centres, and libraries.
  • Indoor leisure (including gyms) will reopen for individual or household use.
  • Outdoor settings including hospitality, zoos and theme parks will reopen.
  • Self-contained holiday accommodation such as holiday lets and campsites will reopen to individual households.

Check with your local place of worship for the latest advice.

A summary of the roadmap, including details of steps 3 and 4, is available on Twitter. You can view the full roadmap on the government website, and you can also watch the Prime Minister's address to the nation on YouTube

Remember the Basics

Hands, face, space

As we move through each of the phases in the roadmap, we must not forget that Covid-19 is still here and infectious. Please remember to:

  • Carry on with 'hands, face, space':
    • Wash your hands regularly
    • Wear a face covering in shops, on public transport, and in other enclosed areas
    • Keep a safe distance from other people outside your household (two metres where possible). 
  • Book a free test if you’re experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 and stay at home until you get your result.  
  • Take up the offer of vaccination when it is your turn.

Everyone has a part to play to keep themselves, their family and friends and the wider community safe. 

Advice and Infomation button

Do you have Questions about Vaccines?

Watch open discussion on vaccines

Click on the image above to watch the webinar.

Autism Awareness Workshops

Autism Awareness meeting

Email: Rainbowlinks1@gmail.com

Social Media


School News Feed
  • General
    19 March 2021
    Reminder for all families
    Dear families, We have one week until we finish for the end of term! Here are a couple of reminders for next week and general updates. 1) School will finish on Friday 26th March at 12pm. Clubs will not be available on this day. Please ensure your child is collected on time. 2) School will reopen on Monday 12th April at normal time 8:45am. 3) Please ensure all pupils are bringing in a plastic water bottle and not a glass bottle. 4) If your child rides their bike to school please can you ensure you are providing a lock. Please can you also remember to take your child's bike home at the end of the day. The school cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage. 5) Our weekly newsletter is published every Friday via the school website; https://www.cayley.towerhamlets.sch.uk/thamlets/primary/cayley/site/pages/newsletter/spring22021 6) Please ensure you have read and understood our latest Covid19 Risk Assessment documentation https://www.cayley.towerhamlets.sch.uk/thamlets/primary/cayley/site/pages/newsletter/newsletter/returningtoschool If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. Thank you, The School Office
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