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School Travel Plan


Although our car use has come down slightly this year, we are still focusing on getting it down further. We encourage parents and children to walk or use public transport where possible as this is healthier and helps the air quality around the school. Also, we have a Voluntary One Way system (VOWS) at the back of the school during drop off and pick up times so that there is less congestion and children are safer. Please help us by following it (see map here and on noticeboards)if you are driving.

We provide Bikeability training for all Year 5 Pupils. Unlike many schools, Cayley pupils get 5 weeks in ability groups of 10 students on the school pool bikes, so that they have a solid grounding in safe cycling. If children achieve Level 1, they then progress to Level 2 training on the roads. We also offer Year 6 pupils a chance to complete their Level 2. We have one teacher who is a trained Cycling Instructor and the other Instructor comes from Cycling Instructor. We also offer Parent bike training according to demand. We stock TFL cycle friendly map routes for the area.
We run Dr Bike once or twice termly. Look out for further dates in the newsletters.

We have got School Magic coming to give KS1 and 2 Road Safety workshops in the Spring Term. The Big Pedal will run from 23-26th April. Our Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) help us deliver these events by running assemblies for the different key stages, and by recording the number of bikes and scooters that come into school. We are also looking to set up Active kids, where children have the chance to run a mile every day.

We are working to link our healthy active travel goals with concern for our environment. In Spring 2 we are running our WOW Recycle and Rewrite 2018 Sculpture week- and this year the sculptures are being made from recycled items.

We are planning some Air quality Initatives for the Summer term and thinking of ways that children can help to test and also to improve their environment. This could include planting or making a green wall. These activities will culminate in Empty Classrooms Week

Upper KS2 will be writing letters to Mayor and MPs regarding the air quality in London.

We are also training a teacher in Forest School Skills in order to make better use of our wild garden and parks. Outcomes for children will be increased engagement and awareness and care for the environment.

Please could all parents make sure that they never park on the zigzags outside the school, as this practice endangers children’s lives.

Junior Travel Advisers

Our Year 5 Junior Travel Advisers attended the Tower Hamlets TFL STARS Students Travel Event at the Ecology Pavilion.

The children enjoyed teh workshop because they had to think of ways to reduce congestion around the school and make the air cleaner.

JTL STARs event Mar 19(1)

STARS Sustainable Travel

Clean Air Update

Clean air we share May 19(1)

2018 Winners

Big Pedal winners 2018(1)

School Cycling Policy

London Bike-It Plus

Pollute Less by Cycling More

We ran a poster competition for supported Bike It Schools. The theme was ‘Cycling and Air Pollution’.

See the blog:


It really wasn’t easy to choose the winners, but in the end we were happy to send prizes to St Joseph’s Catholic Junior School in Brent, Cayley Primary School in Tower Hamlets and Central Park Primary School in Newham.

Dawud & Jacqueline's winning entries

Dawud and Jacqueline winners 2016
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