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Moving to Secondary School 2022

How Is Your Child Feeling about Moving to Secondary School?

Children have lots of different thoughts and feelings about going to secondary school. It can be exciting and scary at the same time. How are you feeling? Excited? Worried? Something else? It is OK to have these feelings. However you feel right now, you are not alone. This booklet will help you think and talk about the feelings that you might have, and help to get you ready to start out in a new school.

Good luck

Moving to Secondary School 2022

Moving to Secondary School is a very exciting time for our Year 6 pupils. It can also be a time where families need information, support and advice. Please do make the most of the opportunities to visit schools (especially during lesson time so that you get a real feel for the school).

Applications need to made online via the Tower Hamlets website. However, if you are making an application to an independent or faith school, you will need to complete a supplementary form, which you have to get directly from the school and then return back to them.

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