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Remote Learning

Remote Learning

We have created a Remote Learning Policy, which aims to caters for the needs and circumstances of all our families. In it, we highlight the key remote learning provision for different year groups, what we can expect from you, the pupils and your expectations of our staff. There is also a PowerPoint as a visual summary of the policy. 

If you have any feedback on the provision we have on offer, please direct it to an Assistant Headteacher of the phase via the office email address: office@cayley.towerhamlets.sch.uk

Thank you for all the supportive and helpful messages directly via DB Primary, school email and phone calls. We appreciate these constructive and considered feedback, as they encourage us to do even better.

Remote Learning Policy

Remote learning policy

This policy will remain a ‘live document’ and we will continue to evaluate our remote learning offer which we will adjust and amend based on pupil, parent and staff feedback as necessary. Please send any feedback via the class teacher or the Assistant Head for your child's phase via school office. Please click on the picture above for our policy.

Advice for Parents

The Department for Education has partnered with Clinical Psychologist, Dr Elizabeth Kilbey to provide practical tips for parents to support remote learning and remind parents that there is additional help available for anyone who needs it.

Advice for parents
  • How often should my child take a break while learning on-line?

    When using electronic devices during remote learning, pupils will be encouraged to take screen breaks every hour.

  • How do I prevent computer-related injuries?

    ·       Sit at an adjustable desk specially designed for use with computers.

    ·       Have the computer monitor (screen) either at eye level or slightly lower.

    ·       Have your keyboard at a height that lets your elbows rest comfortably at your sides. Your forearms should be roughly parallel with the floor and level with the keyboard.

    ·       Adjust your chair so that your feet rest flat on the floor or use a footstool.

    ·       Take frequent short breaks and go for a walk or do stretching exercises at your desk. Stand often.​

Internet Safety EYFS & KS1

EY KS1 Internet safety

Internet Safety KS2

KS2 Internet safety

Internet Safety Agreement

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