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London Borough of Tower Hamlets guidance on school attendance: September 2021

Please could schools alert their parents that from Wednesday 1 September 2021 all children are expected to be back in school fulltime.

  • Families who have travelled abroad, or are planning to travel during the summer period, need to ensure that children are ready to return to school for the beginning of the autumn term.
  • This includes any children who have travelled to red list countries, so families do need to consider whether they can manage any financial obligation caused by the requirement to hotel quarantine, as financial hardship can no longer be accepted as a reason not to be at school. Any quarantine/isolation that needs to be done will need to be completed by the beginning of the autumn term. Children on leave in term time will no longer be offered remote learning, absence will be unauthorised and parents will be liable to Penalty Notice fines.
  • If children are out of school for longer than twenty days, schools should inform parents that if the child is not back in school by the twenty-first day the child may be removed from roll and lose their school place.
  • If a child has an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) or there are safeguarding concerns this should first be discussed with professionals involved in Behaviour and Attendance Support Service (BASS)/Special Educational Needs (SEN) department and Children Social Care (CSC). 
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