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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

There are times when some children need additional support during their school life. Through our special needs support within school, and with assistance from parents/carers, outside agencies and local special  schools. We endeavour to identify promptly a child’s particular needs, so that individual programmes can be provided when appropriate.

We are a fully accessible school with lift access to each floor.

Who Can Help

Inclusion Lead: Mark Axworthy, Deputy Head

SENCos in Training: Dolvernet Barzey, Lisa Richman & Alice Winter.

Accessibility Plan


SEN Information Report


Tower Hamlets Local Offer

TH local offer Pic June 17(1)local offer pic

Complaints Procedure

All complaints relating to SEND will be dealt with in line with the school’s complaints policy and procedures. These are available on the school website. Hard copies can be requested from the school office - Nancy Gray (School Business Manager) or any member of the SEND team; Mark Axworthy (Deputy Head). Lisa Richman or Alice WInter (SENCo's in training).

Please see complaints procedure if you require further information. 

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