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Dear Parents and Carers,

The team is happy to talk to you if you have a question or query.  Please come and see us at home time, or make an appointment at the School Office.

Nursery Team

Meet our Team

EYFS Summer newsletter_FS_21

Our Learning This Year

Our Achievements

How you can help at home.

Learning at home really makes a difference.

Spend at least 10 minutes each day reading with your child.  Use the pictures.  Who is wearing green ..? Where did they go..?  How did they fix the problem..?

Learning opportunities are everywhere.  When you are out walking or shopping, play games together.  Find a  number, look for a road sign, listen for birds or other familiar sounds.  

Children love to play outside.  At Cayley, we go outside in all weathers.  Don’t let the weather put you off from getting outside.  Take a walk along the canal, feed the ducks,  play ball games.  Keeping active is key for a healthy life-style, so give it a try. 

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Sounds Song

MVI_4197.MOVAlphabet chant


20 things before 5

The Big Draw

Big Draw 2019


Changes will happen throughout your child’s time at school.  Some will be easy and some harder.  Changes can affect both your child and the rest of the family.  With the right support at home and school you can help your child to successfully negotiate these changes.

No matter what age your child is, some element of coping with change will be just the same.  These top tips are beneficial to children of all ages.

* Talk positively about coming to Nursery and give them time to adjust.

* Ask about your child’s day and show an interest in what they have been doing.

* Change means leaving something behind—being away from home, and missing mum.  Talk with your child about the routine of going to school, and when you will return.

* Try to maintain meal times and other home routines so that change elsewhere is minimised.

* Help our child be as independent as possible by being able to say that they need the toilet, use the toilet independently, and eat independently (including using a fork and spoon).

* Encourage your child to share with others.

* Create opportunities for your child to interact and play with other children.

* Longer days at school can be tiring; help your child by given them a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast.

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Reading is so much fun.

Please bring in your bookbags

Every day.    


We change them on Mondays and Thursdays.


Reading pile of books pic(1)
Bench pic


On Mondays and Fridays the children take part in

Developmental Movement Play.   Please ensure your child has underwear, socks and shoes they can manage to take off and put back on  by themselves.

Reading pile of books pic(1)

Code of Conduct

At Cayley we recognise a child’s emotional life and the quality of their relationships play an important role in determining their likely behaviour.

Through the day to day interactions, with staff, we can ensure that children have a range of opportunities to recognise and acquire positive behaviour: Since positive behaviour is learned in the same way that other skills are learned, we can ensure that we support children in learning from the ‘behavioural mistakes’ they make. We use a ‘guidance approach’ to help children to understand, take responsibility for, and develop ways to control their behaviour and emotions, and to develop understanding of the effect of their behaviour on others.    We recognise a child’s emotional life and the quality of their relationships play an important role in determining their likely behaviour. In the teachers’ day to day interactions we can ensure that children have a range of opportunities to recognise and acquire positive behaviour:

Since positive behaviour is learned in the same way that other skills are learned, we can ensure that we support children in learning from the ‘behavioural mistakes’ they make. We use a ‘guidance approach’ to help children to understand, take responsibility for, and develop ways to control their behaviour and emotions, and to develop understanding of the effect of their behaviour on others.     This is supported by the school Code of Conduct.

Code of conduct pic(3)


The office is available on 0207 790 1490 to

report an absence.  If you are unsure, please call for advice.

Your child needs to come to school every day to be the best that they can be! 

Our active start begins at 8.45.  This gives you time to settle your child. Why not join your child for an activity before you go?


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