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Extended Leave


Leave of Absence during Term Time

We follow Tower Hamlets Policy and accordingly NO leave will be authorised and there is a high risk of your child losing their place at Cayley Primary School. You are expected to make arrangements for all holidays and Extended Leave during the thirteen weeks of school holiday each year.

You must book an appointment with the Headteacher and the Attendance and Welfare Advisor (Local Authority) before you book tickets.

To book an appointment please call the office on 020 7 790 1490. 


Criteria for Referral to the Attendance and Welfare Service

  • 10 consecutive days of unauthorised absence.
  • five sessions of unauthorised absence in a five week period (primary).
  • 15 late marks L in a five week period.
  • 15 sessions of authorised absence in a five-week period with no medical certificate received.
  • Failure to return to school following a fixed term exclusion.
  •  Pupils known to have returned from extended leave where an application for re-admission has not been received.
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