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Parents and Carers

Transition Workshops

Transition workshops July 2016Parent view logo pic

Parent Conference 2016

10th Annual Parent Conference

Thank you to 3 of our parents (Miss Orr, Mrs Saidanai, Mrs Rashid) who attended the annual parent conference on the 8th March, the conference aimed to support young people to aim high,  parenting in a digital age, challenging career stereotypes, and improving family wellbeing. The conference also boasted raffle, lunch, crèche and parents signed up for NVQ childcare and Parent council course.

Advice for Parents & Carers

The parent/child relationship is the foundation to keeping children safe and supporting their social development and educational attainment. These leaflets set out information to help parents keep their children safe and explain how to respond if you have a concern.

Walking Gym

Walking Gym pic

Parent Teacher Association

The Parent Teacher Association, or Friends of Cayley, is a voluntary organisation who’s primary role is to help raise additional funds for the school.
If you have a child at Cayley Primary, you are automatically a member of the Friends of Cayley and all members have an equal say.
It is your choice how involved you want to be, but the more parents and Carers that get involved, the more ideas and energy we have to make our children’s learning experience even better.

McMillian fund raising

MacMillan Cancer Research

Macmillan 2015

Thank you to all of our families and staff who joined us for our fund raising Coffee Morning.

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Life Coach Directory

Life coach pic

Becoming a parent is one of life's biggest and most important challenges

Parent coaching canhelp you with all apects of parenting:



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