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EYFS Summer newsletter_FS_21(1)

Our Learning this Year


Our Achievements

Reception Learning

Encouraging your child’s learning at home:

· Make use of the Home Learning Pack of free educational resources, together. Your child might like to:

· practise writing her/his name, the letters s/he is learning at school, or to draw a picture and write labels using what s/he has learned about the letters and sounds. (Use the tips sheets as a reminder about how the letters are formed.)

· Share together the books your child brings home in the book bag.

· Use playdough or pegs, small objects for counting, and trips to the park to build finger strength and movement skills.

· Please check that your child does not bring any of his/her toys to school!

Maths is Everywhere

Family Homework

FH Jan 17(1)
Book bag pic(2)

Book bags

Please support your child’s pleasure in reading.  Book bags should be brought in every day, and books are changed on
Mondays and Thursdays.

Reading pile of books pic


Please help your child come to school every day on time, to make the most of the teaching and learning.  Remember the school doors open at 8.45am to give pupils time to get to their classroom and be ready to learn by 9am.   

If your child is unable to attend school, please telephone the office on 0207 790 1490, before  9am, stating your child’s name and class and the reason for absence.


PE kit pic(2)

Reception PE Days

Reception A - Tuesdays

Reception B - Wednesdays

PE Kit

Please remember that NO jewellery is to be worn at school, for safety reasons. This includes earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

Reception children learn to change their clothes for PE, and should always bring their PE kit in a bag rather than wear it to school. They are building independence in managing their clothing (dressing, undressing, and keeping track!), and learning about health and hygiene too! 

Bedtime Routines

Pleasant bedtime routines ease the transition from being awake to being asleep by helping children feel more secure and comfortable about what they can expect at the end of every day. To create a bedtime routine that works for you, put together a predictable sequence of events that you can consistently follow in the same order every night. The actual routine will evolve and change as your child grows, but the basics remain the same. At this age, the bedtime routine might involve the process of putting on PJs, brushing your child's teeth, and reading him a good-night story. Or, your routine may involve a bath and a song, and a story, and another song, and a glass of water, and another story. It's up to you to decide if you want to make it quick and easy or if you want to allow 20 to 30 minutes for special and exclusive time with your child for reading, snuggling, and being together.

Bedtime routines work best if you reserve the hour before bedtime for quiet play. This will lower your child's activity level and prepare his nervous system for relaxation. Roughhousing, running, playing tickling games, and even watching action-packed TV shows or videos make peaceful transition to sleep especially difficult.

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