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Travelling to School

Stay Safe Be Bright


Story puts road safety first

Young authors from Cayley attended their first book launch, as their tale was unveilled to help spread the work about road safety.

Ascary Bike Riad, a story about Kenny and Robert's adventure on an old bike and the importance of making sure bicycles are safe to use.

This book is given out to pupils in Tower Hamlets Primary Schools - click on the cover to read our book.

STARS Sustainable Travel

Bronze STARs 2015

School Travel Plan

School Travel Plan
At Cayley we provide Bikeability training for all Year 5 Pupils. Unlike many schools, Cayley pupils get 5 weeks in ability groups of 10 students, so that they have a solid grounding in safe cycling. If children achieve Level 1, they then progress to Level 2 training on the roads. This year we have trained a teacher as a Cycling Instructor and the other Instructor comes from Sustrans.

In the Autumn term we ran Road safety workshops provided by 2For Feet.
We do have a high car use at Cayley so, in the Spring, we ran a New Year's travel resolutions competition in the first week of January with children winning prizes from Sustrans for their resolution and photograph. Our efforts made it into the London wide Sustrans Bike it newspaper.
Scary bike ride photo(1)

Also in the Spring Term, we took part in The Big Pedal, a nationwide competition. Class 3b won the prize for the most eco friendly travelling to school and have earned an afternoon on the bikes. Children who biked to school were eligible for a free Dr Bike session on their bikes. A lockable bike shelter and scooter rack has been applied for and installed. We are looking at ways to supply a pool bike service.

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