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Year 6

What We Are Learning This Term


Rich Mix and THAMES Film Made by Cayley Children in Year 5

When 6A were in Year 5 they made a video about the Urban Hedge. This has now been added to a collection of films made by schools around the borough which was launched by Rich Mix in association with THAMES. Cayley's film starts 10 minutes and 47 seconds in. I hope you like it 

aladdin-audition Yr 6 17.6.21



  We will have our PE sessions as follows:

  Wednesday afternoons

   Please ensure your child wears the appropriate  kit:



· Red polo or T-shirt

· Navy blue shorts/ tracksuit bottoms

· Red sweatshirt

· Trainers


You need to be reading every single day for at least 20 minutes. We will change our books on:


Code of Conduct

Code of conduct pic(2)

Attendance & Punctuality

Please help your child come to school every day on time, to make the most of the teaching and learning.  Remember the school doors open at 8.45am to give pupils time to get to their classroom and be ready to learn by 9am.   

If your child is unable to attend school, please telephone the office on 0207 790 1490, before  9am, stating your child’s name and class and the reason for absence.

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