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Nursery Admissions 2021 - 2022 - please click on the flyer below to link to Tower Hamlets Admissions.

Nursery oct2021
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How to apply?

If your child was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018 and you would like a nursery place for September 2021, you must apply online via the eadmissions portal. The closing date is 16 February 2021. 

Watch a short information film about applying to nursery schools in Tower Hamlets below.

Application Deadline

The closing date for nursery applications is 16 February 2021. All applications submitted before this date are considered equally, and are not processed on a first come first served basis.

It is very important not to apply late, because applications made after the closing date will be considered only after places have been allocated to children whose parents applied on time.

Nursery class places are in considerable demand and most schools will not have vacancies once all applications that have been received on time have been processed.

Notification of decisions

If your application was received on or before the closing date, Pupil Services will notify you of the outcome of your application by letter and email. The letter will be sent on 7 May 2021 and will name the nursery at which your child has been offered a place. The email will be sent after 5pm on the same day.

This offer will be for a part-time place only. Once you have been offered a part-time place you may request a full time place from your nursery.

If you have not been offered a place at your chosen nurseries, you will be sent a list of nurseries that still have places remaining and given the opportunity to visit and apply to one of these nurseries. Your child will also be placed on the waiting list for your preferred nursery.

You must accept or decline the offer of a place by 21 May 2020 so that nursery places can then be reallocated. If you do not reply by 22 May 2020 the offer will be withdrawn.

Getting ready for Nursery 2021

Tower Hamlets Starting Nursery Brochure



All parents are entitled to 15 hours per week i.e. a part-time place, of free early years education for 38 weeks each year. This starts from the first school term after their child’s third birthday and ends when the child reaches compulsory school age i.e. the term after their fifth birthday.


An additional free 15 hours per week i.e. a full-time place, will be available for families where both parents are working (or the sole parent is working). Typically each parent must earn at least the national minimum or living wage for 16 hours a week and less than £100,000 a year to be eligible. For more information on eligibility visit this childcare support page.

Parents not eligible for the additional free 15 hours may still access a full time place by paying a top-up fee. This fee will be set by each nursery. Please contact your local nursery for further information.

Only part-time places will be offered as part of this coordinated scheme. Once your child has been offered a part-time place, you may request a full-time place from your nursery. Full-time places will be subject to availability and will depend on the eligibility criteria outlined in the previous paragraph.

Applying for 30 hours free funding

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